Euregio Maas-Rhein
The Euregio Maas-Rhein is deemed to be the birthplace and drive of European integration. Here, the transcontinental cooperation between the Belgian, Dutch, and German partial regions has had a long tradition.The Euregio Maas-Rhein encompasses an area of 10,400 mē, a population of 3.7 million people, and 250,000 businesses.
In 1991, the Euregio Maas-Rhein is formed as a Stichting (foundation) for Dutch law and supports corporation projects for various areas. By now, a media association, an association for universities and advanced schools, an interregional counsel for labor unions, the parent association for business associations, as well as the association for chambers of trade and commerce, have been formed here.
Source: Industrie und Handelskammer Eupen-Malmedy-St.Vith